Thursday, March 1, 2007

Computer Stuff

This is an example of one of the things I had to do for my Master's Thesis. This is a smoke simulation, and you can see in the before shots(with the red smoke) that the environment around the smoke is acting as if it were transparent, allowing you to see through the obstacles (in blue). So one of the features I added was to visually correct the obstacles. You'll notice that the green obstacles are now partially blocking your view of the smoke due to their position in the foreground. This was done by arranging the graphics data by depth according to the camera in OpenGL.

The picture above was done for research on my thesis. I was testing out some cool effects done in smoke and this was one of the things I came up with...the spider cloud. I think I had just seen Spider-man 3 trailer or something so I thought it would be fun!


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