Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Web Sites in Production
This is a website I am creating for the New Mexico Office of Border Health(OBH). The OBH has no website currently in existence and the larger New Mexico Dept. of Health(DOH) is looking to revise it's current web site.
The page I created has a banner at the top which is meant to refer to the main DOH organization. The user can navigate back to the DOH homepage from anywhere on the site by pressing the button/logo at the upper left. The user can also navigate to a DOH-specific link using the drop down menus as shown above.
When the user is browsing an office or bureau within the larger DOH entity such as the Office of Border Health, that office's logo and links will appear within the left column of the site. The office logo will also act as a button to the office's homepage and the left column may contain a flyaway menu as shown above.
The Promotora page above is a subdivision of the OBH which is a subdivision of the Public Health Division which is one of several divisions of the DOH. I organized the website so that the user can navigate the entire DOH through hierarchy of divisions. This is done by the blue "stackers" found in the left gray column. The current division being viewed is noted by the top blue stacker found beneath the division logo/button. This stacker is labeled as active by a white arrow pointing outward. Higher divisions can be navigated to by clicking on the stackers located below the current division's menu. These stackers are not active and are labeled with a downwards white arrow. By using these stackers, the user can navigate the entire heirarchy of the New Mexico Dept of Health.
The site was made to be expandable to any monitor size and was written using simple html, CSS, and some Javascript.
The site's content and information needs to be fully provided by the DOH before it can be posted to the web.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Batman Shots
Monday, November 5, 2007
Saturday, November 3, 2007
classic studies
and The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp
Dark Prints
The Weeping Women of Juarez
They Shot the Tiger on His Chain
The first is an illustration from The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, which is essentially a crucifixion scene.
The second is a print based off of the horrible Ciudad Juarez murders. I also sort of used the Mexican legend of "La Llorona" or the "Weeping Woman". This legend supposedly starts off when an Aztec woman had an affair with a Spanish Conquistador and ended up betraying her people for him. After the conquistador had left her, she realized what she had done and went mad. La Llorona threw the children she had by the conquistador into a river. But she had loved those children and was eternally doomed to wander the lakes and rivers of Mexico looking for her babies.
An anthropology book I had read suggested that this story was why the Virgin of Guadalupe was so important in Mexican tradition. Until the Virgin of Guadalupe appeared, the cultural or mythical mother of Mexico was "La Llorona" and under this legend, Mexicans were portrayed as unwanted children of Conquistadors and Indians. The Virgin of Guadalupe brought a sense that Mexicans and all the people of the Americas were now children of God.
The third etching is based off of a song I had heard by Neko Case called "The Tigers Have Spoken". It is about a pet tiger who was put down by the police dept. To me it seemed like the song was about people who are trapped living in places they were never meant to be.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Water Willie
I've been helping AdInk in El Paso to create some materials for the El Paso Water Utilities program "Water, Water Everywhere". The program teaches young kids the difference between drinkable, potable water and reclaimed non-potable water. These are two early drafts that I submitted to try and get a feel for how the final posters might come out.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Border Binational Health Week
The Red Ribbon Rally during Border Binational Health Week was a big event that was put on during work. I ended up creating a lot of material and here's some examples of that work.
Logos to be used on promotional materials, posters, newspaper advertisements, fliers that were sent to dignitaries and ads to be stuffed in water bills. All of this material was done in both English and in Spanish.
I was asked to help organize the parade at the beginning of the event. My official title was "Parade Master" and I got to use a bullhorn. Get in line people! Here is the map I created for the parade route.
I created a schedule of events
One of the ideas for the Red Ribbon Rally was a Drug Free Pledge Card. These cards were signed by kids pledging themselves to be drug free. They were then attached to red balloons and released into the air.
This is where the red balloons and pledge cards were distributed. In addition to the cards and balloons, people were given posters on teen drinking. I ended up doing this poster in both English and Spanish.
Bored Doodlings at Work
I was put on hold at work today for a while. So I drew a picture of Aquaman. They picked up before I could finish that giant squid tentacle to the right there.
Also, as a side note, spell check does not recognize the word "Aquaman".
Someone should get on that right away.
Monday, October 8, 2007
what I do at work
Lots of people have been asking me about what I've been doing at work and if they can see some of my projects. I've posted some of the pieces I've done on my online portfolio but I thought I would use this space to show some work in progress or photos of my work at the events they were made for.
I work for the New Mexico Office of Border Health which is a division of the New Mexico Dept of Health's Public Health Division. Basically what that means is I do a lot of graphic design and web work for health promotion events.
One such event is the Families & Youth Inc Back to School Rally. I was asked to create a full color poster for this event and this was the original version of the poster I made. The final version is posted here. The finished posters were double sided with English on the front and the Spanish version on the back.
Another one of my job responsibilities is to create, redesign and touch up the web pages that exist under the sphere of Border Health. My main responsibility is to the actual Office of Border Health website which is yet to be brought into existence, but I'm frequently asked to help out with the Region 5 websites. Region 5 is a district along the Mexico/New Mexico border. This is an image featuring the new intranet page I designed for them.
I'll probably be posting more content showing the Office of Border Health homepage when it comes closer to being finalized.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Eggo Burger!
Now that I'm living alone, lots of people have been joking around with me because they assume I can't cook. I can. ...but sometimes it's fun to eat food no one else would normally eat... Like this plate I made today. A friend of mine named Jay Newman came up with this hamburger idea at a tailgate. It's basically two waffles (blueberry in this case) with a hamburger patty inside of it. I added some lettuce, tomatoes and peppers to be healthy. Gotta have your fiber you know.
Posted by Mike de la Rosa at 12:24 PM
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
My First Billboard
This billboard was put up earlier this week near the freeway. It is for a health fair event that my work is putting together. One of the sponsors of the event took it upon themselves to create billboards and this is one of them. I should say that I didn't actually layout the design for these billboards but they did use the logo I created for the event. There are two billboards up in the city. One of them is on the westside by the Sunland Park Mall (that's this one) and the other is on the eastside by Cielo Vista Mall. I saw the eastside one by accident today while I was driving around with my Dad. It was a pretty cool surprise!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Batmobile Project Continues...
The "Bouncy Batman" Shader
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Look! Up in the Sky....
These are some shots of a game that I did for one of my Computer Science classes. The game play itself turned out to be a cross between Galaga (in that you can shoot down the meteors with heat vision) and Meteors(in that there are meteors in the game). In it you have to play as Superman and explode all of the rocks before they pass you. It's fun for a while, but like Galaga and meteors it can get kind of dull. I also got high marks on my graphics, which were all based off of Jim Lee drawings and animated together to make it appear as though Superman was flying. I ended up using C++ and SDL to write the game code because they were required by the class, but I think that if I end up making another game like this I would like to use Flash.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Free Time
During my free time in grad school I played around alot with different 3D programs like Maya and 3D Studio Max. This is a Ninja Turtle that I modeled and was rigging for animation in the Personal Learning Edition of Maya. Unfortunately, because it was free, Maya PLE has all those crazy watermarks all over it. I looked into it and found out the educational version of Maya is waaay better and now I'm updating all of my old PLE stuff. It's taking some time though. This is due to the fact that you can't open a PLE file in any other version of Maya! Oh well, back to the drawing board I guess. I'll be sure to post some of my new Maya stuff when it is ready.
The picture above is a scene from a game I made called Mars Lander. In the game, the player captains a spaceship which has suffered damages while landing on Mars. The ship is loosing oxygen and all of the ship's O2 canisters have been scattered over the surface. The player has to regain enough oxygen canisters to support his crew and dock with a landing port while navigating the strange terrain and gravity of the Martian planet.
One of the features that I included with the game was a condition where the player cannot go past a certain altitude or else he will escape the Martian gravity and be lost into outer space. This makes the game difficult because the oxygen canisters are buoyant and are slowly leaving Mars' gravity. The player's distance from the surface is calculated by the game and displayed at the base of the screen to invoke a sort of "heads up display" found in fighter planes.
In addition to floating over the planet's surface, the player can land on the surface itself. This is very difficult and can only be done on large flat areas. Once the player has touched down on the surface he can drive his craft along the terrain. However, if the ship is traveling too fast at the top off a hill it will lift off and begin floating again.
I'd definitely like to make more games, but for now it will have to happen in my free time.
Computer Stuff
This is an example of one of the things I had to do for my Master's Thesis. This is a smoke simulation, and you can see in the before shots(with the red smoke) that the environment around the smoke is acting as if it were transparent, allowing you to see through the obstacles (in blue). So one of the features I added was to visually correct the obstacles. You'll notice that the green obstacles are now partially blocking your view of the smoke due to their position in the foreground. This was done by arranging the graphics data by depth according to the camera in OpenGL.
The picture above was done for research on my thesis. I was testing out some cool effects done in smoke and this was one of the things I came up with...the spider cloud. I think I had just seen Spider-man 3 trailer or something so I thought it would be fun!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
My First Blog
Hi! Welcome to My Blog! I started this web page as a way to show some of my friends and family the stuff I've been doing lately. I've also discovered this really neat blog called the Blue Sky Challenge and I will be posting some drawings here soon so I can participate in that.
The image above is from a project I was working on for my cousin's business, the Mexico Salsa Company. It is a childlike caricature of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
If you are interested in some great salsa check out http://www.mexicosalsacompany.com/index.html