Thursday, November 1, 2007

Border Binational Health Week

The Red Ribbon Rally during Border Binational Health Week was a big event that was put on during work. I ended up creating a lot of material and here's some examples of that work.

Logos to be used on promotional materials, posters, newspaper advertisements, fliers that were sent to dignitaries and ads to be stuffed in water bills. All of this material was done in both English and in Spanish.

I was asked to help organize the parade at the beginning of the event. My official title was "Parade Master" and I got to use a bullhorn. Get in line people! Here is the map I created for the parade route.

I created a schedule of events

One of the ideas for the Red Ribbon Rally was a Drug Free Pledge Card. These cards were signed by kids pledging themselves to be drug free. They were then attached to red balloons and released into the air.

This is where the red balloons and pledge cards were distributed. In addition to the cards and balloons, people were given posters on teen drinking. I ended up doing this poster in both English and Spanish.


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